The most awaited Black Friday sales are back! The best-selling wigs this festive season are glueless and hassle-free. If you are looking to start your wig journey and want an easy segway into this world, glueless lace front wigs are for you. They are low-commitment and high-rewarding options if you want a style change.

Glueless lace front wigs are ideal for you for a few reasons that will be explored in this blog. Moreover, if you are looking to invest in a glueless wig but need a guide on installing one and caring for it, this blog will help you with that. Here is a peek into the world of glueless lace front wigs.

What Is a Glueless Lace Front Wig?

Glueless lace front wigs do not require any adhesive or tape to stay secured to your head. They come with either clips or a nylon band to help them stay attached.

If adhesives and tapes irritate your skin or you have sensitive skin,  glueless wigs are perfect as they will not bother you with harsh chemicals in the glues. Wig glue can clog the pores on your scalp, prevent hair growth and cause acne.

If your hair is thinning and falling out in large quantities, a hd glueless wig is for you since you don't have to tug on the wig to remove it, which may cause damage to the hair follicles due to friction and excessive force.

Moreover, glue is challenging and hassling to work with. If you are not a seasoned wig wearer, learning to wear a regular wig may be difficult as you may need specific skills to handle adhesives correctly and wear the wig securely and safely.

How To Style A Glueless Lace Front Wig Like A Pro?

Wearing A Wig Cap

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install and style a glueless lace front wig this festive season:

  • Start by brushing your glueless lace front wig and natural hair and putting it into a secure ponytail or braid.
  • Clean your hairline with a safe and non-irritating 91% alcohol solution made for the skin. Make sure to patch-test it before using it on your scalp directly. This process helps remove the product buildup, grease and oils from your previous styling to keep the wig on longer.
  • If your natural hair ponytail does not sit flatly and evenly as a base for applying the wig, apply a wig cap to keep the application process smooth.
  • Place the wig onto your head and align the hairline of the wig with your natural hairline. Pull the nylon band over your head and secure it to the nape of your neck.
  • The lace may lie closer to your eyebrows, which indicates you are applying the wig correctly. For extra security, a velvet wig grip is an excellent investment, too.
  • Make sure not to push or pull the wig back or forth too much, as it may cause it to lose its grip and become loose. If it does not feel secure, repeat these steps till it does. It may take a few turns until your application succeeds if it is your first time.
  • Adjust the wig and tuck in any stray hairs using a tail comb. Cut the lace and begin to style the wig however you wish.

Tips On Keeping Your Glueless Lace Front Wig Healthy

A Glueless Lace Front Wig

Now that you know how to install your glueless lace front wig, here are some more tricks to keep your wig healthily maintained:

  • Never use sharp tools or nails when handling your wig, as it may cause a tear in the cap.
  • Frequently brush your wig and wash it every 2-3 weeks with a moisturizing and clarifying shampoo made for wigs.
  • Avoid using heat styling tools as much as possible, as it may cause frizziness and damage to the hair follicles and strands.
  • Frequent trims and regular visits to your hairstylist are ideal to keep your hair healthy.
  • Investing in care packages like My Parfait's is a great way to bring the shine back to your wig. Depending on your chosen package, the package can offer services like a deep wash, a lace re-tint, a wig re-style, and more.


A glueless lace front wig is a fashionable and convenient way to change your style and revamp your look. It is easy to apply and remove and is excellent for a low-commitment change. Glueless wigs look equally natural and are just as sturdy as regular wigs. They are a great investment for this festive season.

This holiday season, explore a wide variety of wigs on MyParfait's website and take full advantage of the heavy discounts. My Parfait's ventilated breathable wigs, the best nylon band glueless wigs, quality hair products, and services are waiting for you. Check out their website and start your wig journey today!